Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The World Will Keep Spinning

Well, let's see. Today was a typical day I guess. I woke up for work feeling sick as hell but went anyway. My 11am class is canceled until after Thanksgiving because it's time to focus on finishing those annotations and study for our orals. So I told my boss that I could work during that hour until then, which is good for me cuz that's more money in the bank which I could use at the moment. I skipped my audit class in order to go find a cigar shop that sells cloves still and it took forever to find and when we did, they were out and their shipment doesn't come in until 6 so I'll have to go tomorrow which sucks cuz I wanted to get some as an apology present for M. It's the least I can do I guess. So that was the most awkward car ride with E that I've ever had, I mean, neither of us will really open up to each other about what's going on in life right now cuz neither of us trust each other at the moment. T on the other hand is still being a bitch about this whole thing, and I just don't get it. I have never done anything against her, never. You know, I haven't told anyone this, but for the first time in my life, the night that this all happened, I contemplated suicide because the one friendship I valued most here was taken from me. I guess Rome really does change people, I wonder if any of this would've happened if I had gone. I could've gone and at least I wouldn't have missed out on that chapter of her life and might be able to understand her better but I didn't go.
My roommate is making cookies right now. Sugar cookies. Yum.

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